Author: admin

Will Your Kid Kill You in Your Sleep Over a Videogame? Possibly!

Videogame addiction is real. Someday they'll be properly labeled, disclaimered, and regulated, and the public will recognize the signs. More kids will get into, and get through graduate school, (Who am I kidding: More kids will just get into college and successfully emerge from their parent's basement with jobs and spouses) and videogame manufacturers may…

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I think in cars; we find one fairly easy way to discover and quantify our Narcissists.  I mean, simply by SEEING HOW YOUR PARTNER DRIVES, you can know well-in-advance if you’re in love with a Narcissist.  Briefly, I have refined my views on Narcissism thusly:  Question:  What is Narcissism?  Answer:  It’s a heightened sense for…

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A Celestial Invitation WOW Warcraft Pet Battle

You will be convinced that Constellatius is going to kill you at the end, because he has full health, but miraculously, Blistering Cold kills him. Follow this exactly. It works every time. Crimson Spore (any breed) – 112 Timeless Mechanical Dragonling (any breed) – 111 Boneshard (any breed) – 11* Turn 1 Sting Turn 2…

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Daniel Hilarious Tiktok

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Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease

This article is even going on my fishy sites because it seems like, MOST fishy-pond-owners ALSO have a beloved dog.  And most people with dogs only get dental-cleanings with extractions for their pet, BECAUSE of rotten breath. Not actually because of the REAL reason you should:  Older dogs have painful mouths that constantly shed bacteria…

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Pizza in a Bag – HOW NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG.

Pizza In a Bag (A Truthful Satire) Finally! Your dog will never decline food.  “Aren’t you tired of mixing melted butter and whip cream with the dogs food to get it to eat?” Well, those days are over! This will get your dog eating like it’s hungry, even when it’s not. Not even a little…

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Dosing 25mg Delta 8 THC Gummies for Canines Under Vet Supervision: In One Page

This is a “guideposts” article that gives you the basics on dosing Delta 8 THC Gummies of the 25mg per gummy composition. If you don't understand this document you will never understand the master document (current and edited weekly) at You should not use this document unless you are entirely comfortable with the information…

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A Song Was Hurting My Ears

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Positive Reinforcement is a Strong Idea with Weak Results

More than forty years ago people didn’t take any crap off their dogs. Dogs were NOT our equals and we didn’t join THEIR pack. They were admitted to OUR pack and were absolutely expected to be respectful to us, or they were “sent to the farm” Excessive Barking, Bad Behavior, And How to Avoid Alpha…

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Natural Biology of Altum Scalare

This matters because it kind of addresses some of the ways (and reasons) you can improve the condition and success with Altum scalare (Angel fish)  In nature: Altum scalare would form schools of individuals, dozens of them, just hanging in a gentle Amazon-current among tall plants like Valisneria – and the water was warm with…

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